Daily Notes, From the Editor
(352 words)
Morning light moves in July, slowly at first.
Then, after spending the hottest night of the year at my boyfriend's house (he has AC), sleeping in until 8am and staying when he offers to make a short cup of his incredible espresso-pulled-while-standing-in-undies (my favorite kind), and after sitting together for slow sips of conversation about how nice it is to not look at smartphones first thing upon waking and also how property tax valuations are rising too fast and the windows need washing and we should really jump in the lake again later today . . . I come home to start my creative staycation.
I've taken the coming week off of the consulting work I do for a living, in order to sink more deeply into this summer, Lucia, and the creative life.
I take my second cup to the little bench in the yard and realize that in just a few short minutes the magic of dappled, shady light will give way to full sun. I had intended to wake at 6am and sit here for more than an hour, writing. Instead, espresso and undies and love and life happened. The magic of morning is fleeting, and yet. And yet the entire day is still mine.
This question comes up every time I take a creative staycation:
“How can I make this shift stay? What can tweak or change so that a quiet, creative life sustains me?”
The answers appear like a mirage, squiggly through the haze of heated summer maple leaves above my head. Flickering, dreamlike, and calling.
I get closer. It's already here, I realize.
Lucia's third issue is nearly ready.
Now, what else can I offer? What else may I share? I scribble notes in my journal, a list of the things I know well, and the things I wish to know better. Heart work. Light. Photography. Voice. Mindfulness. Mental health. Yoga. Breath. Power. Writing. Beauty. The page fills with words like this, and I want to bring them all to life and share them with you.
The mornings are ripe with possibility. I draw the time out with a slow breath, like saltwater taffy, warmed and stretching between my fingers.
I do so love this life.
Laura Lowery is the founder, editor and publisher of Lucia. She does her best to lead a creative life. Whether triumphant or stumbling, Laura shares daily notes (that are often weekly) here on luciajournal, including stories, behind-the-scenes happenings, little doses of inspiration, and large quantities of curiosity and heart. She is pleased to meet you.