heartfelt, curious, creative

There is breathing room here, an opening to be inspired.
— Laura Lowery, Founder & Editor of Lucia

Lucia is an independent annual publication.

Our mission is to inspire and enlighten the world by giving voice to the heart and celebrating true beauty.

Lucia's pages offer fresh perspective, essays and beautiful photography from artists, travelers, thinkers and writers who are meeting life with thoughtfulness and light.

Authentic, heartfelt, and curated to spark creativity, Lucia is kind of like a cross between your favorite book, a graceful women’s magazine and a juicy literary journal, with zero advertisements. It’s unlike any publication we've ever seen before. 

Get yourself a good cup of coffee and a comfortable chair. Open Lucia's soft pages with your fingertips. Rest your screen-weary eyes in the luxury of smooth paper & readable fonts,

Prepare to be inspired.

7.5 x 9.5 inches, perfect bound, color

founder, editor & publisher
Laura Lowery

design advisor
Karly Siroky

Hemlock Printers USA, Inc.

carbon neutral
At Lucia, we love our planet. We use responsibly milled paper and a carbon-neutral printer. We purchase offsets to account for transportation emissions, making our publication 100% carbon neutral.

published volumes
We have published three volumes to-date, Inspiration, Perfection, and Wild.

If you'd like to stock Lucia in your shop, visit our stockist page or write to us here.