Daily Notes, from the Editor
(350 words)
Today is Earth Day. I am still gazing at the sky.
Yesterday was Day Nineteen of The 100 Day Project. I decided to take a break from the routine of sharing one new restorative yoga pose each day on Instagram. Instead, I chose to meditate.
The last few days were full. Full-full-full.
Friday, I taught a workshop for the staff at the shelter where I teach yoga. I called it Wild Mindfulness, and brought flowers and moss and candles and presence and way too many handouts but the women were gracious and I think it was good, despite me rambling a bit more than I intended.
Saturday, I was invited to the most beautiful 50th birthday party for my dear friend Jill, one of the most vibrant and loving and gorgeous-inside-and-out women I know. She treated us all to manicures and tarot readings and Vitamin B12 shots and champagne. She read to me the most thoughtful handwritten words of friendship that made me tearful. And I had to leave early because...
I also participated in a 6-hour workshop at SYA (@seattleyogaarts) that day, learning, ever more deeply, the ins and outs of teaching yoga for absolute beginners. It felt so good to be in a class with teachers again, absorbing asana, alignment, principles, creativity. Realizing how much I know, remembering how much I have to learn, always.
So the only daylight hours I had for The 100 Day Project were early Saturday morning. And instead of filming a pose inside, I walked and meditated outside. By the water. And photographed the clouds for you.
As I sat on the park bench breathing, lake water lapped at my feet. I saw birds in the filtered light, flying and dipping and swooping and playing. It reminded me our thoughts are like that. Like clouds, obscuring what is true. Swerving and soaring and feathered, never still.
Of course we are like the sky. The mind is wide and vast and infinite and beautiful, like that.
My mantra, which I listened for and also sang out loud, was thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
{No. 19 : Sky Meditation | #The100DayProject | @lauraloweryphoto}
Laura Lowery is the founder, editor and publisher of Lucia. She does her best to lead a creative life. Whether triumphant or stumbling, Laura shares daily notes (that are often weekly) here on luciajournal, including stories, behind-the-scenes happenings, little doses of inspiration, and large quantities of curiosity and heart. She is pleased to meet you.